No girl should miss school
for any reason.


60% of South African girls and women cannot afford to purchase any form of sanitary protection.

as a result, young girls may lose up to 50 days of schooling per year, in an already pressurized education system.

We currently distribute over 14,000 sanitary towels per month to 7 different Primary Schools and 2 child care centres

Here is how you can help us empower these girls and restore their dignity.

Our programme has been funded by:

  • Corporate sponsorships in cash and kind
  • Collections and pledges from corporate employee drives
  • Collections and pledges in Women’s Month
  • Pledges in cash and kind from individuals
  • Discounts from suppliers

The activities of our team in relation to this project include:

  • Fundraising
  • Sourcing of sanitary towels and packaging supplies
  • Repackaging sanitary towels into neutral packaging
  • Delivery to schools on a bi-monthly basis